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Boiler / Cooling Tower Water Treatment System

Cooling water is in high demand in all industrial industries for applications such as heat exchangers, chillers, refrigerator coolers, and condensers. As a result, maintaining the efficacy of cooling tower performance is becoming increasingly important. We created the Orgafilm Series of chemicals for cooling water treatment to prevent scale development, decrease corrosion, and inhibit microbiological growth. The Corrosion Inhibitor, Scale Control Agents, and Microbiocides are all part of the Orgafilm Series of compounds.
  • p-chemical-boilder
    We concentrate on enhancing the operating efficiency of steam boilers, industrial boilers, and process systems by inventing a number of boiler chemicals to control scale and avoid scaling and corrosion.
  • The Corrosion Inhibitor, Oxygen Scavenger, and Scale Inhibitor are all part of the Orgatite Series of compounds.