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Multi-Media Filter (MMF)

  • MMF contains three layers of media consisting of an anthracite, silica sand and garnet, with a bottom supporting layer of gravel.

  • It is used to reduce the level of suspended solids and turbidity in raw water.

  • Incoming feed water that is high in suspended solids can cause a high pressure drop and reduce the effectiveness of downstream filtration equipment such as RO membranes and ion exchange beds.

Activated Carbon Filter (ACF)

  • ACF works via a process called chemical adsorption.

  • This unit generally used in water treatment for dechlorination and removing of organic compounds, taste and odour from industrial feed water.

  • However, ACF is not effective at removing of minerals, salts, and dissolved inorganic compounds which can eliminate by reverse osmosis membranes and ion exchange resin.

Microfiltration (MF) / Ultrafiltration (UF)

  • MF/UF is a low pressure driven membrane separation process that separates particulate matter from soluble components in feed water.

  • MF has a pore size around 0.1 µm whereas UF has pore sizes in the range of 0.01 – 0.10 µm and have a high removal capability for turbidity, colloidal substances and silt.

  • MF/UF unit is an alternative technology to be replaced conventional pretreatment system that require chemical precipitation, sedimentation, and filtration process.

Tubewell Water Treatment Systems

  • A tube well is a type of water well in which a long wide stainless steel tube or pipe is bored into an underground layer of water.

  • Soon Ngai Engineering provides turnkey solutions from drilling, rehabilitations, pumping and post treatment in all tube well water programme.

Iron Removal Filters

  • The Iron Removal Filters are designed to remove the Excess Iron content present in the feed water with minimum pressure drop.

  • Most iron filtration systems operate on the principal of oxidizing the iron (oxidation) to convert it from a ferrous (dissolved or soluble) to a ferric or undissolved state.

  • Once the iron is converted to ferric state, it is precipitated on a filter bed.